About Us

FYL means find your light. This means finding hope, peace, and self love. At this day and age we need to start searching for that light inside of us. And my brand is here to help you find that light inside of you. My clothes represents your greatness or your “light”. My designs relate to who your character reflects and how strong you are as a person. No matter what life is throwing at you there is nothing that can stop you from being the perseverant being that you are. If you still stand that shows that you’re a warrior who’s presence has a purpose . What you go through is part of the stormy nights you must go through to see better days but when those days are over you are going to be happy at who you have grown to be. My clothes want to help you find your strength, hope, and love for Jesus and others. My designs aren’t for the Appeal but rather the powerful message behind them. But I understand that balance is key. So don’t just look at the designs but look at what I’m trying to express to you through the message instead of what I’m trying to show you. But no matter what you’re going through remember every time dark time gives a chance to shine bright. Remember, Even if you can’t see the light does not mean it isn’t shining bright.